March 31, 2025 7:30pm - 9:15pm
Discover the harmony of breathwork and Soundbathtogether in a truly unforgettable experience. Enjoyrelaxation, stress relief and energetic balance,as the vibrations wash over you. Coupled with breathwork, you all invigorate your body, calm your mind, and connect with your inner self. Sound Healing helps detox the body, improves sleep, fosters healing, releases pain, stimulates immune system and lowers blood pressure. Sound Healing also improves the mood, helps to relieve depression, anxiety and stress. It helps increase self-esteem, self- love and confidence. Sound vibrations open, clear and balance chakras (energy centers) to release stuck energies that cause disease. Sound Healing is a vibrational energy that propagates as an acoustic wave, with ability to move through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. Many mystical teachings from around the world believe that sound actually creates matter. In Biblical, Hindu, Buddhist and Jewish studies its not just any sound, its the Word of God that creates the Universe. Science suggests that the Universe began with the big bang, yet in Vedic literature it is believed that the big bang is the big OM. The continuous, ongoing hum of the Universe. We are made of sound. We are born into sound and rhythm. Sound is LIFE. Breath. Heartbeat. Pulse. The human voice. We are frequency and vibration. Please bring: a blanket, cozy socks, an eye mask and a small pillow. Avoid drinking or eating at least an hour and a half prior to the experience. Its better on an empty stomach. This event is Co-ed, everyone is welcome.